Common Water Tank Contaminants in Australia and How to Combat Them

Common Water Tank Contaminants in Australia and How to Combat Them Australia's diverse climate and varying environmental conditions make rainwater harvesting a practical and eco-friendly way to secure a water supply. However, maintaining a clean and safe water tank is essential

Australia's diverse climate and varying environmental conditions make rainwater harvesting a practical and eco-friendly way to secure a water supply. However, maintaining a clean and safe water tank is essential to ensure the water you collect remains free from contaminants. In this article, we'll explore some common water tank contaminants in Australia and discuss effective strategies to combat them.

Common Water Tank Contaminants

1. Sediment and Debris

  • Source: Sediment and debris, such as leaves, dirt, and twigs, can accumulate on roofs and enter the tank during rainfall.

  • Impact: Sediment can affect water clarity, clog filters, and promote the growth of microorganisms.

2. Bacteria and Microorganisms

  • Source: Bacteria, algae, and other microorganisms can find their way into water tanks through various means, including bird droppings, insects, and wind-blown particles.

  • Impact: Contaminated water can lead to gastrointestinal illnesses and other health issues when consumed.

3. Chemical Contaminants

  • Source: Chemical contaminants can originate from various sources, including air pollution, agricultural runoff, and roofing materials.

  • Impact: Chemical contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can pose serious health risks when present in drinking water.

4. Algae Growth

  • Source: Algae can develop in water tanks when sunlight and nutrients are available, often due to organic material entering the tank.

  • Impact: Algae can affect water taste and odor and, in some cases, release toxins that can harm human health.

Combatting Common Water Tank Contaminants

1. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

  • Strategy: Implement a routine cleaning and maintenance schedule for your water tank, including roof and gutter cleaning. Remove sediment, debris, and organic matter to prevent them from entering the tank.

2. First Flush Diverter Installation

  • Strategy: Install a first flush diverter system to divert the initial runoff away from your tank during rainfall. This helps prevent the introduction of contaminants into the tank.

3. Mesh Screens and Filters

  • Strategy: Use fine mesh screens and filters to prevent debris and insects from entering the tank through inlet and overflow pipes.

4. Tank Covers and Shades

  • Strategy: Installing tank covers or providing shading can reduce sunlight exposure within the tank, discouraging algae growth.

5. Regular Water Testing

  • Strategy: Periodically test your stored water for bacteria, chemical contaminants, and other impurities. This ensures that any issues are detected early, allowing for timely corrective action.

6. Use of Safe Cleaning Agents

  • Strategy: When cleaning the tank, use biodegradable and environmentally friendly cleaning agents to minimize harm to the ecosystem.

7. Disinfection

  • Strategy: After cleaning, disinfect the tank using an appropriate disinfectant. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for safe and effective disinfection.

8. Regular Inspection

  • Strategy: Inspect your tank, plumbing, and roofing for signs of damage or contamination regularly. Address issues promptly to prevent further problems.


Rainwater harvesting can be an excellent way to secure your water supply in Australia's variable climate, but it comes with the responsibility of maintaining clean and safe water tanks. By taking proactive steps to combat common water tank contaminants, such as sediment, bacteria, chemicals, and algae, you can ensure that the water you collect remains of high quality and safe for various uses, including drinking, cooking, and irrigation. Regular maintenance and vigilance are key to enjoying the benefits of rainwater harvesting while safeguarding your health and the environment.

For Tank/Well/Bore Water Test Kit

For Water Tank Treatment click here 

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